Yoda occasionally makes the great escape. These rare adventures into the wild come after months and months of sneaking around by the door and waiting for a moment when we slip up and leave it open for a second too long. His small head has almost been smashed by the door because his speed didn't quite match his desire to be outside (poor thing).
On the rare occasion that Yoda does get outside, he is really cute to watch. He'll stare at the sky for long lengths of time; smelling the air and basking in the glory of sweet freedom. He rubs his face in all the plants and chews on grass. He'd probably be a great cat for Wendell Berry.
In an effort to make living inside more appealing to our not-so-street-savvy cat, I went to the Portland Nursery to purchase grass.

The place is so monumentally huge that I had no idea where to even begin looking for edible grass. I wound up stalking one of the Portland Nursery employees until he noticed me and asked if I had any questions. "Yes," said I, "Do you have grass that my cat could eat?" He told me that there wasn't any in the potted section but that they had some Cat Grass (or Oat) seeds in the main building.
Cat grass??? Grass just for cats? You betcha! It even boasts of being good for them and reducing hair balls (which it has). So, I purchased some seeds and planted them. Now, every morning Yoda gets a grassy treat and a small taste of the great outdoors.
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