My ears perked up and I grew excited. I knew about spinning! I quickly offered that my mom spins and that we have sheep. The girls looked confused momentarily. "She spins their wool," I clarified. I didn't know where I had gone wrong in this conversation. Kindly, they explained that spinning is what you do on exercise bikes. I simply had no idea.
I've never come to terms with the dual use of this word. To me, spinning will forever be what you do when converting a fiber into yarn. Recently, this has become one of my interests. I had the radical idea that I could start a business making yarn. I don't know if it's possible, but in true Johnson fashion, I've purchased a book about the topic and have been thoroughly enjoying it. There are lots of pictures (plus!). The book is called Spin Control.
I've also been researching spinning wheels and this is the one I'm dreaming about owning...

Ha! I have been thinking and chuckling to myself in rememberence of this story several times over the past month, on the rare occasion that I hit up a spin class in my local YMCA.
It always makes me miss you and it always makes me laugh!!!
I had the same thing happen when a coworker said she had to call her fitness club and book a spot in the spinning class. I was like, huh? It's that popular? And at a fitness club? How weird. Finally after several weeks of this I had to clarify. But seriously, you should get involved in your local spinning/weaving guild--mine down here is great. Lots of very talented and interesting people.
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