I was bringing in the garbage cans, thinking about God and a podcast I listened to yesterday about signs. Mid-thought I looked up and saw an enormous hawk circling in the sky. He looped above the hill behind my house; his circles getting smaller then larger again as he took in the ground below. I watched standing still as stone, until I remembered there were groceries in the car that needed unloading. I took several steps away, then looked back. The hawk was now following me, each circle bringing him closer and closer to where I stood. He circled directly above me. I could see his head angled in my direction, taking me in; almost a reflection of my own gaze. I feared momentarily that he would notice I had no great talons or teeth to defend myself with. But, after a 3 or 4 seconds his curiosity was satisfied and he took his leave of me. I stood dumbfounded, wondering if this had been a sign. I sign for what I wondered?